Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Stone Princess (Tin Gypsy #3) by Devney Perry

Once again Devney captivated my senses and swept me away to a Montana town that felt like I was coming home.
Presley was a character that I really felt had layers of secrets from the first book. I loved how the Tin Gypsy's welcomed her in like a daughter and a sister.
I was so curious about how she'd find her love story as I knew Jeremiah was dirt.
So in comes the movie star Shaw Vallance. Like his name he exuded vibrancy like you had to stop and look again, watch, pay attention because he just caught you from the start.
With his reasons for coming to Clifton Forge being a black cloud it didn't set Presley and him off on a good footing. Oh but the attraction was there from day one.
I loved these two together.
I hated the angst and my heart broke for Shaw yet at the same time I understood Presley wanting to heal. I just really felt so sick during the whole "Luke" phase. But I actually loved Luke... Ahh my tortured heart.
Yet... We know Devney has a way of making things right! Boy that epilogue and the teaser for Noble Prince.. Ahhh I need it today Devney! 💞

5 stars again! Even through my pain I trusted you'd keep my heart safe and you did. Another perfect loyal hero..  Thank you.