Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Hard As You Can (Hard Ink #2) by Laura Kay


Laura Kaye never fails to deliver action and passion filled stories. I couldn't wait for the next installment after reading Hard As It Gets. You think you won't have a new favorite couple and then she blows you away. Shane was the sweetest sexiest southern gentleman that I've had the pleasure of reading about in so long. His protective nature and loyalty just warmed my heart. From the moment he literally crashes into "Crystal" his life was never going to be  the same. 

Sara "Crystal" tried to fight off the attraction between this sexy soldier and herself but everywhere she looked this 6 plus foot "Pretty Boy" was always there. He made her feel safe in a world of pain and betrayal. He made her feel beautiful in a world of scars and ugliness. Shane took goodness and put it back in her life. He put the person she loved the most right in his protective circle and made Crystal feel safer than her and her sister have ever felt. 

The friendships between these ex-soldiers are something that kept me riveted. I saw so many facets of how loyalty truly is born and bred. So many characters that kept me wanting more and more of each man's story. Big Easy with is smoldering depth, Marz with is funny quirkyness. Jeremy with his sexy stand up brother to everybody nature. I could go on and on but the guys in this book are one of a kind and Laura knows how to not only write romance , she delivers relationships of all kinds and makes you feel like you really know these characters in the end. 

They were becoming a family born of choice rather than blood.

The romance still built and built and sexual tension was evident from the beginning but more beautiful was watching this strong broken man fall for this girl who never thought she'd find happiness again. 
 How Shane saw the real woman beneath the facade was beautiful and inspiring. He knew what to say and do to make her feel loved and cherished. 


But most of all he saw the fighter underneath the meekness.

This was a suspenseful and passionate story and I was left wanting the next as soon as I finished. So much more will be in store for these amazing characters and I want to right in the front seat. 
Thank you Laura for such an amazing group of characters. 

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