Friday, October 10, 2014

Locke (Corps Security #5) by Harper Sloan - @HarperSloan

If you are familiar with the Corps Security series then like every other reader out there we’ve been anxiously awaiting Maddox Locke’s story. 

Brooding, temperamental, moody  Maddox Locke set hearts beating like crazy from the moment he was introduced in this series.

 From his painful past that we all wanted to know about to his big heart that he couldn’t hide. This guy is one character that burrowed under my skin and I just wanted to see him find happiness so badly. Emmy was a surprise. What we thought as this little meek and mild sweet girl was a feisty woman who had battled demons nobody should have to encounter in such a young life. The tragedy that drove Emmy away pushed her right back into her nightmare. Maddox wasn’t going to stand by any longer and he was set out to get Emmy and bring her home. What transpires is a story of passion, healing and trust. Maddox had to accept that Emmy was the one person that loved him scars and all. 

 These two souls belonged together and although there were so many obstacles that wanted to keep them apart true love would not be denied. 

The entire cast was involved and there were the normal humor and excitement. The one thing about this series that captured my heart and thousands of hearts around the world was the unique and loving family of misfits . Each Hero this author created and their loved ones have etched themselves into our hearts and our minds and will make this one series that will always be special and a favorite of so many readers. The next generation of the Corps Security kids are coming and I just can’t wait.

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