Friday, December 12, 2014

Play of Light by Debra Doxer - @debradoxer

Some books keep you smiling and leave you warm. Some make you cry and laugh and even both at the same time. Then there are stories that whisk you away and you come back changed and look around feeling a sense of melancholy because nobody around you is feeling the same way. But you are undeniably changed
Debra Doxer is a master at not just writing a story. She writes a journey. An adventure through every heartfelt emotion. From the first crush to the first heartbreak. From lust to love and back again. I just traveled through a beautiful love story. I felt so many things for this couple. I cried tears of pain with them and healing. I am so full right now of hope and romance that I could sigh.
Spencer took my heart on a thrilling ride as I felt everything Sarah felt for him and with him. I wanted to save him and Sarah too. Spencer was 100% perfect sweet-alpha approved.
From the moments on the beach to rooftop secrets. I was overwhelmed with beauty and with a deep feeling of kinship.Like Debra took my hand and introduced me to these characters in person. Every single trial they went through I felt
  Debra handled gracefully and with utmost care the situation with Nate and I respect her so much for that one area in this book. No games were played and lies told. These were purely honest characters dealing with Fate's crappy hand they were dealt. But when time for their chance to feel all the joy they deserved came due. Debra dealt them a winning hand.
 Beautifully written with passion and healing. I have no more words. 

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