Saturday, December 20, 2014

Undressed (Woodlands #1.5) by Jen Frederick - @jensfred

I'm one of those romance lovers that once I find a couple I'm invested in that I want their story to just keep going. I used to be an AVID General Hospital fan. It's like that. I want my couples to keep sharing stuff from their lives with me. As long as they STAY together and never WAVER I want to keep reading about them. So when my favorite authors throw me sweet little gems like this. I dance!!! I sing!! I am so freaking happy!  
 I loved this sexy novella so much. I am telling you that Noah is 100% perfection and I loved his loyalty, bravery and possessiveness and how much he LOVED Grace. This was a perfect addition and I'm just about convinced that Jen is always going to be an author that will check all my boxes and keep her romances as they should be LOVE STORIES..strong loyal men and the women that bring them to their knees! Keep writing Jen you are on fire!!

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