Monday, April 11, 2016

Scarred by C. M. Steele @Author_CMSteele

What a sweet and Sexy little read.  Dexter was adorable and so obsessed with Elena from the first moment.  That was so cute was Elena already had a massive crush.  Both had issues and fears that held them back in life and I absolutely loved that both were innocent and enjoyed all the firsts with each other.  

I'll definitely be going back and reading as many of this author as I can.  Another perfect hero author that's safe from all the other woman drama and that pushes her to the top of my must read list.   

Wasn't perfectly written but the total truth is I'd read 1 million imperfect writing style books.. Over 1 disgusting unsafe book written by the most popular author out there. 
Give me honorable and loyal heroes and sweet romantic stories any day over the stuff that's being passed off as romance lately.  The hero himself deserves a full 5 stars. 
#AlphaAlert #SafeRead #oneclicknow #PerfectHero #Virgins


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