Tuesday, February 13, 2018

The Smallest Part by Amy Harmon @aharmon_author


“In the end, only three things matter. How much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you.”
- Unknown
There were so many moments of sheer shock and awe in this story that I can't seem to string together all my thoughts. I'm always left profoundly touched and shaken after I finish Amy Harmon's stories and this time is no different. 
Amy Harmon is one author who I read blind. She's someone I trust emphatically to give me a story of flawed characters who are so truly real on the pages that I forget for a moment, lose myself while on the journey and become someone there in it with them. I feel their pain, I love with them and I learn and grow as they do. 
 The characters in all the previous books by Amy changed me in the only way a story can. Every time I open her book I simply take a deep breath and say , Ok let's do this. 
 So begins The Smallest Part.
 Here I am with Noah, Mercedes and Cora and I'm down that familiar rabbit hole again, lost in Amy's wonderland where people forgive, they love, they live. Truly human characters who make mistakes, lie and even break promises yet when you boil it all down, you've got only one choice.

 Mercy and forgiveness. 
Mercedes gave away her heart to keep it. To save her own self from pain she sheltered herself from feeling and risking. Noah respected and loved her so much he let her choose. 
The girl who was as much a part of him as the palms of his hands or the heart in his chest
Then life came in like a wrecking ball and their chance to rise from the wreckage began.
Pressure sometimes begets beautiful things.  
The passion in this novel was brought to a completely different level yet kept that secret and special sense of intimacy. I felt more than heat, I felt emotion and tenderness. Simply put I felt the characters love. 

The scenes in this book between these wonderful characters are so touching and raw that any human with a heart will undoubtedly feel tremendous emotion. There were secrets uncovered, shocking moments that left me absolutely stunned. This journey isn't something I want to ruin for anyone so I won't give more away. Just know that after I closed my kindle, I couldn't fathom starting another book for a good long time. My heart just couldn't hold anything else. 

 For that alone I can't recommend this story hard enough.

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