Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Broken Halo (The Montgomery, #2) by Brynne Asher

Broken Halo absolutely consumed for the last 3 days. I don't have a lot of reading time during waking hours. Work, kids, work, grandkids, etc.. Well so the only choice I had was to skip a little sleep. There's just something about a story or an author when you have to give up something vital just because you can't wait to dive back in.

Easton "Trig" Barret whetted my appetite in Bad Situation. He was a mystery, an enigma and I needed the solution to his puzzle immensely. So to see him fight through the swamp of regrets, lies and betrayal to find his way back to his Ellie well.. Let's say the wait and the anticipation was well worth it.
This book rocked. It had everything I love. Second chance stories are very tricky. Brynne did it right.
Such beauty amongst some brutal truths. Happiness found amongst some pretty deep hurt. But every healing page just felt right.
This couple is definitely a top favorite

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