Nicole is a fairy godmother to me when it comes to romance. It’s like she has
some sort of magic wand that whisks me away to a place of sweet romantic
feelings and intense emotions of love, happiness and seduction. I’ve wanted
Chloe and Max’s story since he rescued her from the crazy man who kidnapped her
and Kyle’s Wife Amelia. It was like I knew that he had this broken heart inside
but with the right women who could pull out this protective hero inside he’d
just shine.
He did that and more. He took a crumbling wall and piece by piece
he knocked it down. Partially to blame for erecting this wall Max knew his task
wouldn’t be easy but this sweet wonderful spectacular man didn’t let that scare
him in the least.
What I loved the most about this series and this book
included is that we not only get a wonderful sexy and passionate romance, we
also get this vast cast of amazing characters that burrow their way right into
your heart along with the romantic couple. Every heart melting tale from each
character who came to Chloe at her darkest hour took a piece of my heart with
each chip they made in her fortress around her soul.
Max plays my body like a finely tuned piano. He knows every right chord to play at the exact right time.
To see the pieces fall and
the strong amazing woman that stood at the end was just extraordinary.
I had so
many swoon worthy and heart pounding tears of romantic bliss during this sweet
read that I could have done a crazy happy dance of my own.
I adore
this author and count myself so lucky to have someone I can pick up her stories
and at any time be carried away in what makes romance to me the best sort of
escape. Love, Family and loyalty with heroes that protect, honor and cherish.
Feel good romance at it’s finest is the true gift of Analisa Nicole.
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