I dove into this blind because the blurb sounded like no other book I've read this year or ever actually.
I will be honest and say MC books make me nervous because the heroes can tend to be pretty much love them and leave them types. I can't deal with that anymore so taking a chance on this book was one of my challenge reads for the year. Regina Cole is a new to me author so that checked 2 boxes off my list.
I quickly found myself in the cutest story set up ever.
Big tough sexy bikers masquerading as wedding planners? Talk about a hilarious riot.
I simply couldn't put this down. Trey and Bethany were so great together. The way Trey just showed her how much he wanted her was so beautiful.
There's some twists and turns that make this so much more than the romantic comedy I thought it would be. There's hurt and pain from both characters pasts. There's side characters that have so many things going on and it just helped show who Trey and Beth were. It showed how they became who they are now. The MC friends of Trey really showed such crazy humor one chapter then the deepest loyalty the next. There's crazy characters on Beth's side too. I can't go into all the layers of this story. You just need to read it for yourself. I can't say loud enough how much I loved it. I am so relieved that Ms Cole took that worry out of my heart too about this being a MC book. Trey was loyal from the start.
I can't wait to see who the next couple will be. I really want Jameson to find his hea. Poor guy needs a home and love.
I'd recommend this book to anyone who needs a little lightness added to their romance with a good emotional story to go along with it. Laughter truly heals and love truly is found amongst the pages of sweet sexy stories like this.
Releases August 7th
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