every Nashoda Rose book I go into it with this feeling of absolute
anticipation. I already know it's going to draw every emotion that I am humanly
able to feel and multiply it.
Kai was always one of the most mysterious characters Nashoda had created. I
wasn't even sure if he was a good guy. The truth is he's not good.. But he's
not bad either. What he is though, is complex and intense. He's loyal to those
that are important to him and honestly no body could be important to him until
London. Then London had life kick her in the face more than once. Raven came
from the ashes and London was buried. Kai wouldn't give up and I was absolutely
in tears of profound pain, anger, confusion and even understanding towards the
end of London resurfacing into Kai's "Braveheart". She had bravery
alright. Men would have broken and never recovered after the things this woman

Kai was the passionate loving dominant man that always came for
her..and saved her from the darkness while she completely gave him such light
in return.
I can't put into words how this author filled these pages with such destruction
that would turn to beauty all in the same chapter.
For each time she broke my
heart she would show me such hope and to never give up. All of our favorite
characters were such support and every moment of dialogue was important.
I hung
on every word. I simply didn't want it to end and yet I couldn't breathe at
times because this couple had been through so much.
Kai was perfect I'm his own way but one thing for sure was that he gave his
heart away to his Braveheart and never looked back. Absolutely no angst
regarding their devotion to each other. I love Nashoda for that.
Sigh.. The end for now but..
Connor, I need your story so bad because I feel this one's going to hurt.. And
yet I know its going to hurt in the best way. .