This was such a fun book. I am a cat lover and anyone who has seen my profile on Facebook would know this. Cats to me are God's little joke. Like here's this fuzzy little animal but hey guess what.. They have their own mind and they do what they want. I adore kitty's and so hearing about this book had me so excited. Jamie has a way with balancing humor with emotion in such a poignant way. Emery (first time by the way I read a hero named that.. Good job) was such a good guy. Funny yes but so much more.

His heart and his sense of loyalty and family responsibility just touched my heart. Estelle was a contradiction in a small package with a huge heart. While seemingly to be this hermit cat hoarder, what she really was like is simply a good friend with a lonely heart. She really was outgoing but just kinda too busy to make friendships. But Emery came along and shook up her world in the best way. I loved all the cats and the characters who adopted them. The relationship and circumstances regarding Emery's dad really had me sad and at the same time hopeful. His love story with his wife Mary is the best kind of romance. To see Emery and Estelle fall into an epic love like theirs was beyond romantic.
Their epilogue had me kinda emotional I won't lie. Jamie had smiling like a loon on one page then swooning on the next. Simply put this author gives you all the feels and they are all good.
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