Miller Genuine Spurlock was a hero in the truest definition. From the
moment he took Mercy into his sheltering arms after her tragic attack,
I was head over heels for this huge larger than life man. Mercy was
beyond brave and really grabbed life by the balls. She was funny and
kind. What was beautiful was that they became such close friends.
Lani of course gave us the craziness of silly friends and family.
Letting us visit with past favorites while teasing us with future
possible stories to come. This was a unique love story that treasured
life. I admire this author for her beliefs and her strength in not
caving to the public pressure of writing what others want.. But
writing what's in her heart. I for one feel safe while reading Lani's
stories because every time I visit her wacky and crazy but beautiful
sexy world I know I'll feel at home and like I can just relax and
enjoy down to earth love stories where faith, family and freedom to
love and protect those special to us is celebrated. Keep dreaming Lani, I'll be right there ready to dive in

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