What a sweet, funny, sexy roller coaster of goodness.
being a full time working mom and now a Nani too.. I find myself
absolutely out of breath, time and low in spirit. When it comes to
reading advance copies now I have to be very picky and very careful.
Time is just so rushed that when I start a book I've got to be able to
get lost in the story right away or I've got spread my self out reading
other books to fit everything in.
Today I found just what I needed in this amazing story. Just like that took everything
in my life for a full Friday night and all day today and pushed it out
of my way.. Like far far away. I simply devoured it and I'm about to
shout from every book lovers roof top to get it now. Russ was the
reason book boyfriends are forgotten ,because he's all book man, pure
book hero and absolutely male.
Purely masculine and totally sure and
firm about what he wants.
Penny is sweet and sassy on the outside,
wholesome and pure but underneath she's sin and sex and simple
pleasures. Russ gave Penny everything she didn't even know she needed.
From banana bread with grandpa's marmalade to rescuing and
loving the dog that stole my heart.. Hell she cooks him eggs people!!
scenes with Russ and Guppy had me either laughing hysterically or
swooning over the pure affection Russ had for this sweet, huge,
spoiled dog. All because Guppy was important to Penny.
Russ cared
about what Penny needed, wanted and he gave so much in so many ways to
show her.
The cast of crazy characters like the Mayor, Maise, Grandpa
and even Dick Dickerson we're vibrant, full of life and I never wanted
it to end.
The romance made my heart beat faster and warmed me from head to toes.
hungered for her purity, starved for that simple all consuming
connection found in Penny a love like we only dream of.
Two unlikely
souls crashing into the absolutely bliss of romance perfection I simply
can't convey how thrilling and sexy and just laugh out loud fantastic
this story was.
I search for these types of stories with every swipe of
my kindle and when it happens well it's Just Like That.
 #autoread #SafeRead #favorite #scorching