5 Sexy Sweet Sizzling Stars

5 Hearts for Sweet Sizzling HEAT

Here I go gushing over Kimberly Kincaid again. I can't say enough how much her writing is like a balm to my soul. Fresh, funny and witty. It always brings a smile to my face , a warmth from the sizzling love scenes and some laughter and tears to even it out.
I love how these books have all centered around the love of food, nourishing those who are dear to us. Taking care of loved ones by simply feeding them...what a simply sweet message.
But factor in some intense emotional scenes with sexy banter and hot loving this story just fit exactly what I needed to read right now.
Blake and Jules never stopped loving each other and this story just warmed me through and through.
Sometimes it's so nice to read about true love finding it's way back and healing so many hurts.

Kimberly has a way of working in secondary characters who just add that special banter that adds to the story building it up to such sweet conclusion.
Blake and Jules were the sweetest couple and I loved when Blake laid it all out on the line.

Can't say enough about how I will be grabbing all Kimberly Kincaid books I see to read and enjoy because they are guaranteed to fill any moment of my time with sheer beauty.

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