My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4/5 TEAR MY HEART OUT Sizzling Stars

5/5 Sizzling Hearts for Heat!!

I've had time to really absorb my feelings on this book. This book had me enthralled and in love with the characters the whole time. I was upset when I initially finished it. I can't tell you why because I'd ruin it for you. Part of me wants to scream at the roof tops. I want to freaking yell. But I'll let you decide. Tricia Daniels is the most humble amazing graceful author I've ever had the pleasure to talk to. She accepted my feelings ..for what they were ..passion for her book. She did her job. She made me feel. That is shows true talent. I applaud her ..because I haven't felt this passionately about a story in a long time. This one really knocked me down. See I live my books. I identify with the characters. I feel with them. I love with them. That may make me seem crazy. But I feel sorry for you if you don't get to experience those emotions.
Right when I finished this is how I felt.

There are no words to describe what I am feeling. This author writes with such passion and the emotions just explode from the pages.
I feel as if I've been chewed up and spit out.
I can't even tell you why.
You have to experience it.
I'm in pieces.
I feel like I've been on a merry go round that had a freaking power surge. Then it spit me out in the high traffic highway and I got run over by a semi. But ..I felt ..and that is what counts. I couldn't stop reading and I'll be counting the days till I can put my heart back together.

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