This story had something I absolutely love and adore. Well quite a few things actually. A sexy and larger than life (really he's huge) alpha male. A single mom and an adorable little girl. Freaking funny and exciting banter that had me in stitches. But most of all this guy fell so hard for both baby and mama. Let me tell you it's true . The bigger they are the harder they fall. Cole had issues.. He's an angry guy. But hell he's paid to knock the living daylight out of his opponent. I simply wanted to punch Pipers dad and several other characters. I adored Cole and even though this book has a big pet peeve of mine.. (pushing away by hero) it absolutely was written well and the heroine was strong, feisty and fought for what was right. This beast never stood a chance against little Rosie and his "Beautiful" Piper. Fans of engaging banter, sexy and sizzling hot passion, a strong heroine and a hero that loves as deep as he is tall.. Will adore this sweet funny and deeply romantic read.
#SafeRead #PerfectHero
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