My rating: 5 of 5 stars

5 Awesome Sizzling Stars

***Very small spoilers***
So this book completely took me by surprise. I went into it thinking oh easy romantic read. What I got was a freaking suspenseful heartfelt passionate thrill! From the first page it sucked me in and I just didn't want to stop reading. I kept saying housework, chores, ..well they gotta wait so I would dive back in and I just enjoyed every page.
Val was a Katrina survivor, probably the first thing that spoke to me since I am a born and raised Louisiana girl. She had to completely start over and she was so strong and kept persevering after losing everything she had including her precious grandmother. It wasn't an easy thing to do. She wanted to be a PI so badly and her mentor suddenly tells her some startling news where Drake comes into play Jayne had cancer and was leaving Val in the hands of stubborn as hell Drake. But well Val and Drake had a little bit of history in recent events up to this first "formal" meeting. Jayne had cancer and was leaving Val in the hands of stubborn as hell Drake. But well Val and Drake had a little bit of history in recent events up to this first "formal" meeting. Their relationship started rocky and just kept getting rockier. The thing about Val and Drake was that the chemistry was sizzling from the their very first interaction. Drake was dealing with the anniversary of his father's death and so many other things happen to him in this book that he actually would have to be superman to not get a little irritable a time or two. His family meant everything to him.
There were so many other great characters. Val's best friends and Drakes mom and grandmother. Those interactions just made me love these characters and feel like I really connected with them.
This love story grew on each page and I was mad with them, I laughed with them and I cried with them. Val couldn't fight her feelings for Drake. She just was afraid to open up. But every time they got together they learned more and more about each other and she just fell farther.
As they held each other’s gaze, she felt a fluttering
inside, imagining how it would be to face him like
this, look into his eyes, day after day for the rest of
her life.
inside, imagining how it would be to face him like
this, look into his eyes, day after day for the rest of
her life.
I love sex in a story ..after all I made a blog called Sizzling Pages but this book wasn't about the sizzle for me. This was about a beautiful love story involving two people that need someone who would stand beside them and trust them. Drake was a stubborn man and he did stupid things but he always came around and fessed up to make it right. When this strong sexy alpha opened his heart I swooned. When they finally set the pages on fire it was emotional and deeply intimate.

There were so many funny moments. I mean I must've laughed out loud so many times my kids thought I was going crazy (or crazier). Val was snarky and had genuine New Orleans sass. I loved it. Colleen brought authentic flavor to this story with Val's personality. I felt almost like I knew Val. Drake grew on me until I wanted to reach in and just squeeze him to death. I recommend this book to all those die hard romantics. This one will keep you flipping the pages.