Jen Frederick has totally turned my heart upside down. First of all with so many books out there I quickly find myself behind on series that I love. Especially those little surprising epilogues and novellas that these favorite authors just pop out there. I realized when I started The Chronicles of Charlotte that I had missed something. It was Unspoken - The Epilogue & Undressed which is the epilogue to Unraveled which is the epilogue to Undeclared. So I learned quickly that this pairing of Nathan and Charlotte was a brilliant and romantic spin off of my favorite characters children.
What started off as a rough ride..because I really wasn't sure about Nate's real intentions towards 15 yr old Charlotte. But quickly I realized his feelings had just recently grew into something different and he wasn't sure how to proceed with her being so young. There was no cheating in this book. That is one thing I want to make sure everybody knows. Was Nathan a little sex crazy teenager before Charlotte? Yes .he was 17 LOL ..but after he touched her NOOO

Once they became a couple ..life kept throwing them bombs after bombs and ..this was pure angst for me. I was so mad at Nathan but at the same time I felt so bad for him. I am not sure that I could have ever forgiven such a drastic cold shoulder for that long. But this love was so strong and so vast that nothing ..not a decade of time or evil witches could keep these two apart.
The fact that they were completely and utterly true to each other even apart for 9 yrs was the most romantic thing an author has written in so long. I loved Nate so much for that and Charlotte..she was just the most gracious and loving girl ever.
The road together was filled with so much passion and then still so much pain and trying times but what I found was a couple that would fight and fight hard every single day.
I cried and I laughed and I was in total romance bliss. I really just can't wait for more from this genuine ROMANCE writer. Now Jen..I'm ready for Nick and Lainie!!
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