review can be seen here
from Carrier (The Line #1) and it
will tell you how much I loved this world that Anne Tibbets has created and engraved into my heart. I was so excited when the new installment was offered and I dove at the chance to review for the Walled Blog Tour. I wanted more of Naya and Ric and wanted more of the cast of brave and quirky characters that she penned life right into. I was so not disappointed!
I'm telling you that from the moment that Walled began I was sucked right back into a world of such despair but such hope at the same time living right under neath that layer of anguish and hopelessness. How did Anne carry off such a feet? She gave us the Carrier ..yea I never saw Naya as that kind of carrier, the one with the special inoculation.
I saw Naya as the Carrier of
HOPE , FAITH and so much STRENGTH & especially
Yes she gave me HOPESTRENGTH. She had this in spades.
FAITH, While at times she faltered, she never really gave up and never wanted to just let they chaos reign. She wanted to believe in HUMANITY again. TRUTH for everyone to stop lying and hiding behind walls and rules and dictatorship. I found she was a heroine that was so special that I actually wanted to be like her. In my books 99% of the time, I'm swept away by the HERO ..but in this series by far Naya was truly the saving grace.
What was I saying about my HEROES?
Ric "Doc" was a true HERO because in everything he did he was so HUMAN and I completely and utterly ADORED this man. I am telling you that I wanted to jump through my Kindle and carry him away ..he was that amazing. He wasn't perfect, he wasn't always the strongest but he was REAL and FLAWED like real MEN are. I truly think Anne Tibbets has a direct line to a mans thoughts because she couldn't have written him more honestly and real then she did.

Do I love romance?? HELL YES, did this have a love story? OMG YES!! But it was so much more than that. It was about survival and bravery right along with staying loyal to the ones that love you and you love in return. It was about Family! Ric never gave up on Naya even when she doubted herself. They had so much to overcome ..her past, their future, oh gosh so much. But they did and every single page left me in AWE And WONDER. Everybody knows I love my sizzling romances. But the love scenes that take my breath away are the ones that take two people and make them one. Naya and Ric had such a profound union that I was left with tears in my eyes and a since of peace in my heart. It truly was an epic scene.

I was floored so many times and shocked others. I had moments of bawling like a freaking baby. Not always was it over sad things. Yes there was devastation, but I cried over things that we take for granted every single day that God graces us on this planet to live FREE when others aren't able to do so and don't have simple luxuries that we just don't even bat an eye at. I cried, I laughed a few times but most of all I HOPED and felt like I FOUGHT right along with this amazing, extraordinary and REAL cast of characters.
YOU have to read this, it's just hat good!!
Anne...standing are my HERO!!
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