I fell in love with this couple in
To Keep You from Harm.
See review HERE
I was intrigued and captivated by this tale of a Raielle who had a gift that most people would dream to have. To be able heal those that you love or even anybody that you would want to help. But for every single gift there is some sort of responsibility or consequence involved.
Raielle knew nothing about this power she held literally in the palms of her hands and only knew fear.
She was afraid to use it and at the same time afraid to keep it bottled up inside her. Then comes Lucas ..oh he stole my heart in book 1. He was loyal and protective and just had that sweet but sexy attitude that I love. If you read the first book you know it has a MAJOR cliffhanger!!
Yea that was me. I was like NOOOO please Lucas go after her!!
Yea baby ..he did. But then.......
Small (without details ) SPOILERS AHEAD
Well it wasn't smooth sailing after that. Lucas was hurting and alone and didn't know if he'd ever find Raielle and well he had a little blip that knocked him off the perfect alpha shelf and actually broke my heart. But he came through in the end and I love him even more knowing he's not perfect but REAL and we all know real men make mistakes. Real men also own up to them and don't lie or hide them and Lucas came right out and was honest with Ray about what happened and why.
Raielle never once held anything against him. She knew him loving her meant he was in for a world of shock, pain and trying times. But most of all they both knew that apart they were so much less than together.
When they were together everything was so much easier to deal with and the way they loved each other just really took my breath away.
Evil characters were all over this book and there were so many obstacles that at times I screamed.
That's the only reason I am not able to give this really exceptional book 5 stars. There was just too many things that I felt detracted from the love story. But I do know that there is a large audience for ANGST and well they were fed till bursting in this baby.

I can give it a full solid 4 stars for the sweetest love story and amazing refreshing take on fantasy/paranormal romance that I've seen in a while. I look forward to more from this amazing author and will be keeping my eye on her.
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