The one thing about being a reading addict as that you can't seem to read fast enough. There is always a great book staring you in the face making you salivate. I devoured Fighting Temptation and was a little sore at myself that I couldn't jump immediately into this one. Now that I have finished it I am so high on the sweet sexy sugar that is Sawyer and Grace. These two captured my heart in a profound way. There are some really emotional back stories that come into play with all of KC Lynn's characters. These Men of Honor as the series is named have lived through something that have made them into strong yet at the same time deeply troubled and emotionally damaged men. Sawyer may have been the one that had the smile all the time and the joke for every moment but he also had his pain inside. Feeling like he let down his dad was something that ate at him. I loved how KC wrote the acceptance and forgiveness into this storyline from Sawyers family . Sawyer made me mad in the beginning but I had to forgive him because really he didn't have any promises made ..but I feel the characters pain when I read and Grace's hurt well I felt it with her and I wanted his lower appendage to fall off suddenly too.
But then he just was Sexy Sawyer and made me love him. Sawyer realized that Grace felt for him as strong as he did for her and then he didn't stop till she was his. I loved how hard he went after Grace and how many times he let her know he cared. The words aren't always necessary when the actions are right there to speak louder. Sawyer was shouting his love with every single touch and caress.
His love was loud and scorching hot. I loved his filthy mouth so much that my kindle has most of the book highlighted.
Grace found a home and a family with Sawyer and these amazing characters. I adored the sweet surprises that they all did for her.
Then the romantic parts..those really captured my heart.
“Oh my gosh, Sawyer, ain’t it beautiful?”
“Yeah,” I say gruffly, not talking at all about the fucking snow. Leaning against the door jam, I watch her soak in something that was so simple to me but extraordinary for her. The heavy, white, sparkling flakes begin to coat her long, wavy blonde hair, and fall to her eyelashes. She is the most beautiful fucking sight I have ever seen.
The way Grace had a pie for every emotion and every occasion was just very sweet and I couldn't help but find myself with a sweet tooth after reading this. But in more ways then that is was an endearing and romantic but sexy as a 911 fire too.
For me ..I tend to always find something personal to connect with in my books. Especially ones that I love. There usually is something there that has to really hit me on a personal level. These men decided to fight for their country because of what happened on 9/11 and my son was 15 yrs old when this happened and he did the exact same thing. He is a US Marine and when I read the part about Sawyer making this brave decision and how his dad was so afraid, well it brought me back to my fear and also my pride in my son. So I just felt a very strong kinship with these characters and I can't wait to dive into Cade's story. I also love God with everything in me and I know that his book is going to be a very very big struggle. KC Lynn is one author that makes you feel and feel in vivid color.

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