Okay so where have I been this whole time this book has been out?? Oh my gosh, we at Sizzling Pages are like Alpha HOUND DOGS. We have a nose for books with possessive-don’t - touch- what’s - mine Alphas!!
Lukas Gunn ...so totally perfect!!
This guys from the first encounter just took my heart. He’s strong, sexy, bossy and arrogant. But most of all this guy is PROTECTIVE and he also LOYAL in the most amazing ways. Lukas and Lexie were a couple that I will not forgot anytime soon. While she was afraid to give her heart again , Lukas wasn’t afraid to take what was his.
Lukas was determined to show Lexie what real love was like.
“What you and dipshit had wasn’t normal, that’s not how a man treats a woman and I’m going to show you what it’s like to be treated right until it sinks in to that gorgeous, stubborn as hell head of yours; I don’t care how long it takes.”
There were some hot bam bam scenes in this loves story and let me tell you this author has a way with words.

But really what I have to have in my love stories is a couple I can believe in and everything that Lexie needed for her and her little boy Lukas was there to give. But she also filled a piece in his heart that had been broken for so long. Their chemistry just burned up the pages and I can not tell you how much I loved this story. I am diving in to Archer Kane’s book Unbearable Guilt with the advice of my BFF Steph ringing in my ear..Girl you are gonna love this one!!

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